About Our Threat Hunting and Surveilliance | Dark Web Monitoring Tools
Our Targeted Threat Hunting Service is an intense comprehensive investigation of your security environment that identifies indications of attacker presence. Our team implements, discovers, and identifies Indicators of Compromise (IoC) using the MITRE ATTACK Framework. Indicators of Compromise (IoC) is a major component of the responsibilities of our Threat Hunting Team. Indicators of Compromise (IoC) is made up of unique data artifacts or signatures that correlate strongly with the existence of a security threat or a network intrusion that should be addressed.
Why Threat Hunting?
Cyber Threat Hunting is an essential exercise to proactively investigate potential compromises, detect advanced threats, and improve cyber defenses.
- Determines if your environment has been compromised by a sophisticated attacker
- Increases your confidence in system integrity and data confidentiality
- Helps you understand the impact of any discovered breach
- Provides recommendations on security architecture, instrumentation and controls to make your environment more resilient
- Provides actionable guidance on next steps to respond to and eradicate the threat, offering seamless integration with Incident Response
- Monitoring the network for indicators of compromise and anomalous activity
- Identifying malicious activity observed on the network
- Isolating endpoints to prevent lateral movement and malicious communications
- Advising on the removal of damaging materials left by attacks/attackers
- Utilizes a comprehensive standard such as MITRE ATTACK Framework
Don’t risk your survival by failing to spot a cyber attack
Increasing digitization has created wide-ranging vulnerabilities for the modern enterprise. As cyber attackers find ever smarter ways to breach security defenses, research suggests that it can take more than a hundred days to detect an attack on your system.
Thus, the cost of failing to identify an attack has severe implications for your bottom line, from a loss of customer confidence and potential theft of intellectual property, to fines for data security non-compliance.